How to Lower Nitrous Oxide Readings

How to Lower Nitrous Oxide Readingsthumbnail
A scavenging system is necessary to limit exposure to nitrous oxide gasses.
Nitrous oxide emissions are regulated closely in medical settings, particularly in a dentist's office, where the gas is used quite frequently. To keep nitrous oxide levels within the established normal range, one of several variations of a scavenging system must be installed and applied to the machine dispensing the gas to prevent excess gas from escaping. All three options utilize different features but accomplish the same goal of limiting exposure to nitrous oxide emissions.



    • 1
      Install a Brown Mask system. One of the more basic systems, the Brown Mask is a mask within a mask. The space between masks features a vacuum to prevent the escape of the gas. A plastic disk over the pop-off valve absorbs the exhaust gas before it escapes. The system is effective, but very noisy.
    • 2
      Install a mask with a Y-connection. This system features a pair of hoses leading around the patient's head to the gas mask. Exhaled gas enters a specified tube via a one-way valve that allows the gas to flow away from the patient only. A suction is applied to the end of that hose, and as long as the suction is greater than the patient's, all gas is removed.
    • 3
      Install a CO2 absorber. These systems require much less gas to operate, 1.5 L. vs. 6 L. per minute compared to others. The absorber is also a preferred option in some cases because it keeps gas further away from the breathing zone of the dental staff.
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  • lancy
    lancy July 18, 2011 at 5:37 AM

    Nice instruction provide for reading Nitrous oxide...
    Nitrous kit

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