Iodine X-ray contrast medium

Angiografin (amidotrizoic acid) crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient after computerized tomography of the brain. Angiografin is an iodine X-ray contrast medium, and the crystals strongly resemble cholesterol crystals. However, cholesterol crystals are irregular plates and have some notched corners, unlike Angiografin crystals. Angiografin crystals are regular parallelograms without notched corners. Unstained, X400.

Angiografin crystals from the same urinary sediment as the preceding one, but observed by polarized microscopy. The Angiografin crystals show strong and colorful polarization, but the cholesterol crystals show weak monotone polarization. Unstained, X100

Telepaque (iopanoic acid) crystals from the urinary sediment from a patient after taking X-ray photograph of the gallbladder. The outline of the crystals is not clear and not sharp. Unstained, X400

Telepaque crystals from the same urinary sediment as the preceding one, but stained with Sternheimer-Malbin stain. The crystals stained pink with safranine O. If the crystals are stained with Sternheimer stain, these are blue with alcian blue. X100

Urografin (amidotrizoic acid) crystals from the urinary sediment of a patient after pyelography. The crystals are needle-like and spoke-like characteristically. Unstained, X100

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