Fund flush out toxins from the body Detox Box

The expulsion of toxins from the body is essential in the modern era in which we live , and which is characterized by technological development and the spread of contaminated material composites. We can not avoid the barrage of chemical contaminants and electrical that surround us , which makes us need to make the ratio of toxins in our bodies is less than the percentage that lead to the emergence of symptoms associated with them; may be accumulation of toxins health disaster , may lead to the injury of many diseases like arthritis and heart disease , cancer, Parkinson's disease and the symptoms of chronic stress , for example, but not limited to . The secret lies in reducing the toxins that we are exposed to follow an effective program works to flush out toxins from the body. When talking about the expulsion of toxins from the body , should not lose sight of the larger member works to flush out toxins from the body , which is the skin ; , where he works on the skin to expel toxins through sweating . This method works effectively along with the liver , which allows the body to get rid of a larger amount of toxins.

Has emerged a new form of treatment through sweating in Australia after it proved successful in Europe , Japan and the United States . It has been designed cabins Infrared heating is working on the person on their income warm air . The advantage in this air that it would be warm and dry , unlike traditional saunas where the air is extremely hot . The saunas "smart" that comfortable , especially for heart patients with late stages .
Date of evolution

It is known that treatment with steam through the secretion of sweat is an effective way to reduce the severity of the disease and to enjoy good health and that a long time ago . The applications developed processing methods steam in many cultures , and in spite of the significant progress achieved by the medical field over hundreds of years , the saunas are still able to Abharna their results stunning . The Indians knew saunas , and Chinese folk medicine encouraged to eat grass and taking saunas . In Sweden , Turkey, there are saunas and enjoy their population due to its health benefits . And do not harm patients only saunas and heart patients with backlogged cases ; cause them where extreme heat opposite result . Therefore, the idea of ​​enjoying the benefits of saunas is not debatable for these patients . Unfortunately, these patients can not take advantage of those saunas . Therefore, the cabins saunas that operate infrared good solution in the treatment of such cases .
How it works

The infrared safe and natural ; are a normal part of the sun's rays . In contrast to the harmful UV rays that cause skin burning , using infrared in the program and the space agency NASA to help astronauts maintain fitness heart and blood vessels they have, and even in the heat premature babies in Houdanathm . We feel the effects of the infrared sense of warmth we feel from the sun in winter days .

This technique uses smart infrared heating the body from the inside ( it penetrates to a depth of 6 inches below the surface of the skin ) to the secretion of a large amount of sweat (the largest of sweat that comes out by saunas traditional by 2-3 times , which comes out a larger amount of toxins ) . And the temperature is suitable ; are from 40-50 degrees Celsius .

We expect a lot of advantages from the use of this technique by infrared regularly, including:

The expulsion of toxins from the body safely and effectively

Many of the toxins and heavy metals that exist today are difficult to remove from the body. They are found in the layers of fat that exist beneath the surface of the skin. This technology helps us to sweat secretion and directed by toxins present in the body through the skin , and even heavy metals such as mercury output and lead.

Renew the vitality of the body and relieving the mind

We feel relaxed and renew the vitality and activity when the body's secretion of the hormone endorphin hormone which is known happiness. Research has linked between the secretion of this hormone and strengthen the immune system and get rid of the pain and reduce the pressure and slow the aging process .

Get rid of the fat found beneath the surface of the skin

Research has shown that fat that exist beneath the surface of the skin become soluble in water at a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius . This consists of the gel -like substance that fat and water and waste can be disposed of when the secretion of sweat. The improved results to a large extent when you do this along with the body massage and a healthy diet .

Improve the vitality of the skin

Research shows that exposure to infrared rays supports the energy produced by the cells , and this in turn improves the appearance of the skin and the exercise of its functions . She says , " Leslie Kenton ," in her book , which achieved the highest sales Skin Revolution: " Nature sources more effective in ridding the body of toxins , it is also an effective way and enjoyable wellness and renewal of energy and vitality of the skin ."

Help to control weight

Infrared works to enhance the fat burning process and get rid of toxins pets fat stored in the fat cells that are found in the body. Once you get rid of these pollutants has become a weight is easier, using this technique it is possible to burn 600 calories in one session does not take more than 30 minutes .
What we look for

In Australia, the technique begins to get saunas infrared spread in medical clinics and health centers , so it is more economical ways to use this technique in the treatment are buying cabins and put it in your home. Wrote Dr. " Rogers " in the book Detoxify or Die, saying : "I hesitate to ask the patient to buy this cab and put it in his house ; were you looking for ways to address natural and inexpensive and does not rely on modern technology ! But when you think about the cost of the treatment of some diseases, such as stress syndrome , chronic heart disease, sensitivity to chemicals and pain and stiff joints and muscles , migraine, Alzheimer's disease , cancer and other diseases caused by toxins chemicals that surround us , we find that the cabins saunas much cheaper . Let's face it : the required ratio of pollution resulting from modern technology modern technological solutions as well. " It is important , when using saunas for health reasons , to make sure that the article made ​​them Cab does not cause allergic reactions Kalmsnoah of pine or poplar .

The fund flush out toxins from the body , which depends on technology that cabins Infrared , and designed by the Australian company " Hi Tech Health " entirely appropriate , and advised that product, many doctors and specialists . It is a factory of Russian pine and gum does not result in any toxic substances . It contains the type of the finest porcelain in the cab to make the most of the infrared . There are five forms of which vary in size , some of which can accommodate one person and up to four people . The box contains the expulsion of toxins on all means of comfort and luxury operator CDs and ways to purify the air and get rid of the odor and ways to control external and internal .

The steam treatment as a safe and convenient, effective and affordable , and we need to use it in our daily lives to overcome the long-term effects of the toxin in the modern environment , and that can not be avoided any human being ever . Its results confirmed the disposal of heavy metals, toxins and improve skin vitality and weight control and good health ; which make this relatively new technology is an essential tool to enjoy and maintain good health . If you want to enjoy good health , be sure to get saunas infrared regularly and inserted into your program to get rid of toxins.
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