Protein diet for weight loss and weight loss 7 kilos in two weeks

We all strive to get a perfect body and thus we are followers of a number of different systems and these fast-acting diet regimes protein adopts this kind of diet to increase the amount of protein covered by the individual and the reduction of carbohydrate ratio, which makes the body depends on the stored fat and is burned for energy.
This causes severe dieting to lose weight in the notes in the first two weeks because the reduced carbohydrate intake leads to loss of body fluids and be a substance in the blood called ketones, which is working to loss of appetite.
Protein Diet is divided into four main phases:
First - induction phase:
Where to get rid of carbohydrates total dependence on protein intake, such as: (meat - fish - eggs - cheese - oysters).
It also must be addressed, such as vegetables (broccoli - Option - celery - beans).
Secondly - the budget stage:
Dependence on the intake of carbohydrates, about 10 to 20% through the vegetables, and stay away from foods that contain sugars.
Thirdly - Pre Continuity:
Eating whole grains and vegetables can also be intake of carbohydrates and must hold this stage until you reach the ideal weight.
Fourth - continuity stage:
They hold a special diet after reaching the desired lifelong weight.
Diet and health benefits of protein:
1 - improving the level of the body's metabolism and keep it from diseases (diabetes - pressure - heart)
2 - improve cholesterol and blood sugar ratios.
3 - works on the body's sense of satiety.
There are some dangers in protein diet:
Some health organizations and international banned from breeding to eat protein or a special diet of protein only because animal protein carrying a large number of fat, which might cause diabetes or coronary artery disease.
It also recommends a number of health systems and non-injurious to the body so as to maintain your health.