Keys to good health and raise the strength of the immune bulbar

1. good food
85-90 percent food of plant origin:
A - 50 percent full beans, brown rice, whole wheat pasta from beans, barley bread from whole grains and beans, including soybeans, beans of all kinds, lentils and peas.
B - green and yellow vegetables, roots, including potatoes, carrots, yams, beets (and seaweed).
C - 5-10 percent fruit and seeds and nuts.
10-15 percent proteins of animal origin (no more than 90-120 grams per day):
A - fish of any kind and prefer small fish as the big fish contain mercury.
B - birds, chicken, turkey, geese - only small amounts.
C - beef or sheep or calf - must be identified or avoided.
D - eggs.
E - soy milk, soy cheese, rice milk, almond milk.
Bakeries added to your diet:
1. grass tea.
2. seaweed tablets.
3. brewer's yeast (a good source of vitamin B and minerals).
4. pollen and propolis.
5. supplements (supplements) enzyme.
6. supplements (supplements), vitamins and minerals.
Bakeries and materials should be avoided or identified in your diet:
1. cow's milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products.
2. Japanese green tea, Chinese tea, English (define a cup or two a day).
3. coffee.
4. sweets and sugar.
5. nicotine.
6. Alcohol (declined by)
7. Chocolate.
8. fats and oils.
9. ordinary salt (I use sea salt containing metals).
Other food recommendations:
1. Stop eating and drinking 4-5 hours before bedtime.
2. chew every morsel 30-50 times.
3. Do not take anything between meals is the full benefits (if you can not sleep because of hunger, eat a piece of fruit before going to sleep one hour, as it is digested quickly).
4. eating fruit juice and drink 30-60 minutes before a meal.
5. Eat whole grain is refined.
6. eating raw or slightly censer foods. Heating food above 50 degrees Celsius spoil enzymes.
7. Do not eat oxidizing foods (fruits, which change color to brown, began Baltaxd).
8. eating fermented foods.
9. Be disciplined with the food you eat. Remember: You are what you eat.
2. good water
Water is necessary for life, drink the water is contaminated with chemicals, drank a good mineral water, such as water or heavy water, which contains a lot of calcium and magnesium keep your body in the best alkaline condition.
= On adults to drink 6-10 glasses of water a day.
= Drink 1-3 glasses of water when you wake up from sleep.
= Drink 1-3 glasses of water about an hour before each meal.
3. regular discharge
= Usually taken daily to remove contaminants and intestinal cleaning your device regularly.
= Do not take laxatives.
= If the bowel movement is slow or if you want to remove toxins from your liver, try the coffee enema, coffee enema best to remove toxins from the colon and body generally because they do not launch roots free in the blood as do some food methods of detoxification.
4. light exercise
= Exercises appropriate for your age and physical your affairs are essential for good health, but the harsh exercises can be fired roots free harm your body.
= Some types of exercises are good walking (4 km), swimming, bike riding, tennis, golf, muscle strengthening, yoga, judo, sports aerobic.
5. adequate rest
= IOC to bed at the same time every day and sleep for 6-8 hours a day.
= Do not eat, drink 4 to 5 hours before going to sleep, if you're hungry or thirsty eating a small grain of fruit an hour before going to sleep, as it is digested quickly.
= Take a short nap about 30 minutes after lunch.
6. breathing and meditation
= March meditation.
= March of positive thinking.
Take a deep = 3 or 5 times per hour breath, you should take the time Alzfrh twice inhalation, the utmost importance because the deep breathing helps rid the body of toxins and free radicals.
= Wear clothes and wide not harass your breathing.
= Listen to your body and take Riva yourself.
7. joy and love
= Joy and love invoking the enzyme factor in your body miraculously sometimes.
= Laugh.
= Nest passionately involved in your life and your loved ones with all your heart.
Three points to lift to raise the strength of your immune bulbar
For cell renewal and live healthy life mentally and physically, I recommend the following three means:
For more details about the rejuvenation of cells on the level, click here
1. Shinya small fasting
The basis for the lifting of immunity is to bring the power of the negative disarmament toxins from the cells by fasting. I recommend it for small way Shinya fasting. Here's how to you by
1. Complete your dinner before seven pm (sixth best time).
2. When you wake up in the morning drink 2-3 glasses of water.
3. Instead of breakfast, eat some fruit; enzyme of apples, cabbage, carrot juice ... etc also desirable.
4. drink 2-3 glasses of water before lunch.
It is important to heated or cooked in the morning not to consume foods, drink water before lunch also, I recommend the consumption of 6-8 glasses of water a day.
Learn to enjoy the feeling of hunger, feelings of hunger index on the detox process.
For more details about the small and the immune system Asalba fasting Shinya, click on the following links addresses
- Siam Shinya small
- Immune system Asalba - Part 1
- Immune system Asalba - Part 2
- The war on microbes Part 1
- The war on microbes Part 2
2. remove toxins from the intestines
Use the removal of toxins from the intestines to get more benefits, removal of toxins from the waste and waste and hazardous materials inside the intestine leads to removal of toxins from the intracellular what greets the functions of these cells. I would recommend the following three methods:
• coffee or coffee enema syringe with cast buds.
• coffee drink with buds, there Pracm of coffee and buds cast of people busy.
• intestine massage from 5-10 minutes per day.
Click here for more details about the sound intestine
3. a healthy diet style Shinya
In addition to fasting and removal of toxins from the cells, there is a constant diet recommended by the author of whole grains and legumes.
Eating 85 percent of food from plant assets and 15 percent of animal origin, reduced the consumption of meat and more vegetables consumption (including rice) and fruits.
Eating fermented foods and fungus; soybeans fermented and pickled vegetables and mushrooms boost the immune strength.
In addition to the three points above try to do deep breathing through the nose, and try to get closer to nature: hiking and work in agriculture and others to raise the strength of your immune bulbar.
Remember that the majority of the power of our immune Omaaúna start in our lives and that is based on the vitality of our cells.
March these three points in order to adopt a body resists just diseases.
For more details, click on the following links addresses
- Diet Shinya Biosem
- Win the vitality of the plant power
- Diet Shinya natural beauty and weight
Listen to the voice of your body
Fair and a number of patients visiting the clinic every day. In the context of listening to the history of food and health problems after checking their stomachs and intestines Palmjua their illnesses and treatment when needed, I can not help but think that with how I can help everyone to live in his body better. The result of the way in which we lived every day of our lives is registered in our bodies, it may seem harsh, but I say that a lot of pain and disease, which Enaichehema result of our ignorance of how to take care of our body. If you did not understand what good food and good water, and live in a way to destroy the power of life and enzymes because it is so busy that he does not care for anything, it is not expected to get sick. Live like this accelerates the aging of cells and depletes energy especially with age. You can make a difference in your destiny if I listened to the voice of your body. I am not alone, as a doctor I hope you'll make the effort to take care of your body in order to maintain the vitality and health as the body itself wishes it more than me.
Why who wants my body today? Is he satisfied? Is Gloomy? Is indignant? Is Mujua? I hope you take the time to listen to the voice of your body. Listen to this sound change your life and you will have a clearer understanding of what I spoke about in this book and will be able to embark on the exercise of his mission.
What you eat today every cell structure in your body and your brain becomes tomorrow. Will affect your business and your thinking. When practiced Alshenia Biosem and become clean your gut landmarks will get your affairs in changes not only physically but in your consciousness and your life as well. I am not exaggerating if I say that the whole of your life will change.
To eat a strong effect on all aspects of life. If the intestine is stable due to good food, to improve the conditions of your body and your mind becomes more stable. Will not feel frustrated or anxious or angry and feel that you see things more positive. Answers sought by hiding inside you, in your gut. Unleash your imagination seems in theory, but such imagination must begin in the small intestine world. We find the best indicators of an existence with each other in harmony and co-existence of countless microorganisms and enzymes, and minerals found in the world of micro-Omaaúna.