Pituitary hormones

Pituitary hormones

(1) anabolic hormones genital glands (Gonadotrophins)

These hormones secreted from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (Anterior Pituitary Gland) and these hormones direct effect on the secretion of reproductive hormones (Sex Hormones) of certain glands (testes in males and ovaries in females).

(A) LH (LH) or (Luteinizing Hormone)

Secreted hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland and is subject to control of the excreted Alhaiboethelams (Hypothalamus) and this hormone is a protein carbohydrate

(Glycoprotein) which is responsible for ovulation and the secretion of estrogen (Estrogens) and progesterone (Progesterone) from the ovary after ovulation in females.

In the male hormone increases (LH) from the production and secretion of the hormone Alteststeron (Testosterone) of the testicles, which in turn keeps the sperm formation.

    Ranging level of the hormone (LH) in females between 2-20 IU / L in the two halves of the menstrual cycle.
    While in the middle of the session ranges between 15-80 IU / liter unit
    Level of the hormone (LH) in males ranged between 1-8.4 IU / liter unit
    Kids in the least level of the hormone (LH) from 0.4 IU / liter Haddou.

Rising level of the hormone (LH) in the following cases:

    Despair in the woman's age whether natural (Normal Menopause) or early (Premature Menopause).

Reduced level of the hormone (LH) in the following cases:

    Therapeutics estrogen or Alteststeron.
    Ovarian or adrenal tumors that secrete estrogen and progesterone.
    Menopause because of the failure of the pituitary gland.
    Sheehan's disease (Shihan Syndrome).

(B) the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

Secreted hormone (FSH) with Allotinen hormone (LH) from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and this hormone is a protein carbohydrate, which is responsible for Aandalaq estrogen from the ovaries of females.

But in Aaalb male hormone (FSH) an important role in the early stages of spermatogenesis.

There are important to analyze hormone (FSH) and (LH) which is useful in the following cases:

    During the test infertility (Infertility) in men and women, especially whether primary or secondary cause.
    In test cases Hypopituitrism, where at least the level of these hormones by other pituitary hormone.
    Sometimes asked to measure these hormones in the case of disruption of organizing session of the menstrual cycle in women.

The increasing level (FSH) in the blood, may fall in the other cases.

Rising level of the hormone (FSH) in the blood in the following cases:

    Menopause (Menopause).
    Klinefelter's disease.
    Palaces pipe deferens (Seminiferous Tublar Failure).
    Menopause in men (Climacteric).
    The absence of the ovary (Ovarian).

Reduced level of the hormone (FSH) in the following cases:

    Use of estrogen-containing compounds (pill).
    Comprehensive pituitary gland insufficiency (Panhypopituitarism).
    Anorexia nervosa (Anorexia Nervosa).
    ED disease (Hypogonadism).

    Ranging level of the hormone (FSH) Onthae the first half and the second of the menstrual cycle in females (Follicular & Luteal Phases) between 2.12 IU / liter unit.
    While the level ranges in the middle of the menstrual cycle Onthae ovulation (Ovulation) between 8-22 IU / liter unit.
    Ranging level of the hormone (FSH) in males between 1-10.5 IU / liter unit
    The level of the hormone (FSH) in children less than 2.5 IU / liter unit.

(2) the hormone prolactin hormone or milk or milk hormone (Prolactin).

Prolactin hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in both male and female, for there is no mention of any physiological function of this hormone in the female so far known in the stage of physiological activity thereby acting prolactin on the growth of mutilation and especially breast partnership with estrogen.

Prolactin is Onthae menstrual cycle low in the first half of which (Follicular Phases) and rises in the second half (Luteal Phases).

Either during pregnancy standing, milk level of the hormone or prolactin in the blood gradually as the continuation of the pregnancy for up to a maximum after birth, this increase is working on breast initialized to be the milk in order to breast-feed the baby, and decreases prolactin gradually after birth up to normal level in over approximately four weeks.

And asked to examine the hormone prolactin in the following cases:

    Action testicular failure and eggs.
    Menopause (Amenorrhea) or the lack of menstruation (Oligomenorrhea).
    Lack of spermatogenesis (Oligospermia).
    Lack of libido and energy in men and women.
    Milk secretion in man (Galactorrhea) and the emergence of nipple (Gynecomastia).
    Secretion of milk in non-lactating woman (Galactorrhea).
    Track the status of the pituitary gland resection.
    Suspicion in the pituitary gland tumor.

It should be noted that most of the stress hormone that raises the level of milk.

The normal level of the hormone prolactin in the blood of pregnant women is to be 4-25 micro gram / ​​liter.

In pregnant women is increasing from 25 at the beginning of pregnancy until it reaches 600 micro gram / ​​liter.

The man in the milk hormone level ranges between 6-17 micro gram / ​​liter.

This is not the only case in which the hormone prolactin level rises, but rises in other cases.

Increase milk hormone level in the following cases:

    Hypothyroidism first.
    Cases of kidney failure.
    Failure and liver disease.
    Tumors of the pituitary gland to secrete prolactin.
    Eat any of the drugs that raise the level of prolactin in the blood, including phenothiazines (Phenothiazine), insulin, isoniazid, amphetamine, Halobridol (Haloperidol) and antibiotics used to treat throat and sedatives.

(3) the growth hormone (GH) or (Growth Hormone):

Growth hormone is more prevalent pituitary hormones, which is a protein hormone composed of multiple peptides and one series in the composition of milk hormone.

Jobs growth hormone (GH):

    Growth hormone helps in building the human body (Anabolic) and it is growing bones and tissues by increasing the formation of proteins.
    In addition, the growth hormone that breaks down fat (Lipolysis) and the formation of ketone bodies.
    Has the perverse effect of insulin, leading to an increase in the level of glucose in the blood.
    This hormone also increases the level of sodium, potassium and magnesium in the blood.

Different levels of growth hormone (GH) under natural conditions, but up to 0.48 nmol / L.

Influenced by growth hormone (GH) in all a great eye-intensity factors (Stress), as well as muscular effort, exercise, where increases the level of growth hormone (GH) in the blood under these severe conditions sometimes increase.

Analysis of growth hormone are required (GH) in the following cases:

    Bakzamh suspected pituitary gland (Dwarfism) where there is no presence of the hormone in the blood and increases after exercise or incitement Baqlal sugar through insulin injections.
    To confirm the diagnosis of gigantism (Gigantism) the normal level of growth hormone in the blood less than 10 nano-g / ml, measured growth hormone (GH) in dwarfism case in the pituitary gland before the effort and beyond as an increase in the hormone after effort denies dwarfism in the pituitary gland.

Cases of high level of growth hormone (GH):

    Intensity (Stress) for any reason (trauma - surgery - acute diseases).
    Cut sugar.
    Gigantism (Gigantism).
    Because some medications (such as insulin - anesthesia).

Cases of low growth hormone levels (GH):

    Pituitary dwarfism.
    After the operation, resulting from the pituitary gland resection.
    Hypopituitrism destruction for any reason.
    Some medications such as steroids sugary (Glucocorticoids), and Azrbin, Klorbermazzin.
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