Type 1 diabetes mellitus: diagnosis

Interpret signs of type 1 diabetes out the suspicion with laboratory tests can confirm

The typical symptoms ( see section "symptoms" ) are the first indicators of diabetes. Another strong indicator are sugar traces in the urine. This can be detected using simple test strip. Decisive for the diagnosis is the concentration of sugar in the blood, which measures a doctor. Several methods are available. A Diabetes is present at:

  • a blood sugar value of 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / l) or more at any time
  • a fasting blood glucose level of 126 mg / dl (7.0 mmol / l) or more in the venous plasma
  • a blood sugar-term value (HbA1c) of 6.5 percent (48 mmol / mol) or more
 The diagnosis of diabetes is considered made when a second test confirmed the result the next day. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) , as for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is often used, is not necessary in type 1 rule. In case of doubt the type of diabetes, it is useful to look for autoantibodies that are typical for the respective form.


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