Arteriosclerosis (arterial calcification)

ebn benghazi
Estimated read time: 7 min

Arteriosclerosis (arterial calcification)

  Arteriosclerosis is a hardening and narrowing of the arteries, that is, the blood vessels that transport the blood from the heart for years or decades. The narrowing of the arteries causes a decreased blood flow to organs and body parts. Despite decades of research, people still do not know exactly why arteriosclerosis is occurring. As assured it is consistent that there is a predisposition to arteriosclerosis and its consequences - myocardial infarction , stroke . It is also known that in younger years, women have a natural protection from the female sex hormones, which however, with the advent of the menopause, weaken.
Inheritance gender-dependent
In search of the gene, which is responsible for arterial calcification, a scientist from the University of Leipzig made an astonishing discovery in researches on two mouse strains: arteriosclerosis can only be inherited from the opposite sex. "The spread of the gene responsible for arteriosclerosis is dependent on the sex of the parent generation.
When a male descendant of this gene carries, the mother must have previously borne this gene. Conversely, a female descendant with this gene requires a corresponding male ancestor, 'says the scientist Dr. Teupser. '' So if we want to be able to understand how human arteriosclerosis and hence myocardial infarction or stroke can occur, we have to consider the hereditary line. ''

The beginning is creepy and unrecognized

Arteriosclerosis does not occur overnight. Before the first complaints occur, 20 to 40 years can pass - but they are already of a serious nature. These include, for example, circulatory disorders in the legs, since the narrowed arteries are poorly supplied with oxygen or a constriction of the coronary vessels, which leads to angina pectoris . Other symptoms may be a diminishing brain function, such as memory problems or dizziness .
If the arterial calcification progresses further, an arterial occlusion can lead to total disruption of the blood supply and thus to the oxygen deficiency of an organ. Heart, brain and legs are particularly frequently affected by arteriosclerotic diseases.

Risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis becomes a disease only by factors which accelerate its natural course. This includes:
  • Hypertension , because the vessels are exposed to stronger pressure loads
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Motion deficit, overweight
  • Fat, unbalanced diet
  • stress
  • Smoking because nicotine narrows the blood vessels
  • High urine level
  • Increased fibrinogen level (increased blood coagulation)
  • High homocysteine ​​levels
  • Vitamin deficiency states
  • To high cholesterol levels, because cholesterol deposits in the vessels
Patients with these risk factors should have their doctor regularly examined.

Development of arteriosclerosis

The vessels are internally lined with a smooth, thin cell layer - the intima . If certain damaging influences persist for an extended period of time, this lining gets small cracks. The body's defense system is activated and sends its helpers, similar to a wound. But this repair is not optimal: fluid penetrates into the vessel wall, a small swelling develops and blood cells, fat and lime settle down.
As a protective reaction, the inner wall of the vessel thickened, a so-called atheroma has developed. The term comes from the Greek and means "flour porridge", because the resulting thickening looks similar.
Over time, more and more lime is deposited and the vessel wall becomes hard. A so-called plaque has arisen. From this point onwards one speaks of an atherosclerosis. This constriction of the blood vessel is not noticed for a long time, for blood vessels can extend and thus keep the blood flow constant to a certain limit.

What happens to the heart?

Such processes also occur in the small arteries, which supply the heart with nutrients. There, bleeding disturbances are usually noticed only when the vessel is only open to one third. Then, with more severe stress, the typical symptoms are: air pain and pain in the legs or chest.
If the narrowness develops very slowly, the blood vessel system can form circulatory circuits (so-called collaterals ). The body uses already existing vessels in order to supply the heart muscle with blood through this "diversion". If such circulatory circuits are present, discomfort may persist despite a blocked vessel at the heart.

Small cause - great effect

It becomes critical when small particles are released from the deposits in the vessel wall or the entire plaque breaks up. Then the vessel can suddenly be completely clogged. This jam cuts the vessel section behind it from the blood flow. The cells normally supplied with blood die.
If the whole thing happens at the heart, a heart attack develops , the congestion of cerebral vessels leads to a stroke - with severe personal consequences.
Recent investigations show that the greatest danger does not originate from the thickest deposits, but from small, soft plaques. Because these are more unstable, they have a thinner skin and a fatterier core. Abrupt physical exertion or blood pressure fluctuations may cause the thin skin to burst, often resulting in a blood clot.

Preventive measures against arteriosclerosis

It is true that every person gets this vascular disease with increasing age. In a healthy lifestyle, however, it develops much slower. Our vessels are naturally designed to be passable for many decades to the blood. Some people, who are around 80 years old, know that they still have youthful, smooth arterial walls, while in some forty-year-olds the blood must fight through a crater landscape.
If you want to stay healthy, you have to do something for it - and you should know what it can do. The best prevention is a sensible diet and sufficient exercise . In addition to prevention, the avoidance or treatment of risk factors is also of great importance:
  • Regular control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • When cholesterol is elevated, pay attention to cholesterol diet, ie reduce butter, eggs, meat
  • Diabetics should always ensure that their sugar levels are adjusted correctly
  • Stop smoking or reduce it at least
  • Overweight people should strive for a weight reduction

Arteriosclerosis: When to the doctor?

Anyone who is part of the special risk groups for atherosclerosis should regularly have a medical check up for safety reasons. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the warning signals of his body: numbness in the legs or pain during walking may indicate arteriosclerosis and should be immediately checked by a doctor.
This can determine, by sampling, blood pressure measurements and, if appropriate, imaging procedures, from where the symptoms originate. By means of a so-called angiography, for example, blockages in veins can be made visible by means of a contrast medium.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is generally not curable. However, the course of the disease can be significantly delayed with the right therapy. The measures for the treatment of atherosclerosis include the balloon catheter. This is inflated like a balloon during a constriction of the vessel and stretches the constricted artery so that the blood can flow again. In addition, a so-called stent can be used in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. A stent is a small metal net that spans the artery as a support and keeps it open.
If it is not sufficient to dilate the constricted arteries, an operation is required for laying a so-called bypass , in which the blood path is diverted. For this purpose, either body-specific or artificial veins are used.
The medicamentous treatment of arterial lime is used, among other things, to reduce blood pressure or cholesterol. Acetylsalicylic acid is sometimes also prescribed to prevent the blood platelets from sticking to the vessel wall or to themselves, thus forming a blood clot.

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