Seven causes a high PSA that are not cancer

The prostate-specific antigen test is a blood test that measures the levels of a protein that the prostate produces. Men with prostate cancer usually have elevated levels of this protein, but elevated levels do not always mean cancer.
Other health conditions can also cause prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to rise. In some cases, an elevated PSA is temporary and not a sign of a health problem at all.


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What are PSA levels?Causes of a high PSA level that are not cancerconsiderations

What are PSA levels?
A high PSA level may not always indicate prostate cancer.

Cells in the prostate produce PSA and levels typically remain below 4 nanograms per milliliter (ng / ml).
Most men with prostate cancer have PSA levels above 4 ng / ml, but about 15 percent of men with PSA levels below 4 ng / ml are also diagnosed with prostate cancer. This means that a PSA test alone can not rule out or diagnose prostate cancer but can identify whether a man is at a higher risk of upbringing or developing the disease.
The initial test may include both a PSA test and a digital rectal test (DRE). During this examination, a doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to check the prostate for abnormalities. Together, if these two tests suggest prostate cancer, then the doctor will be responsible for a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
False positives - a high PSA level, but no cancer - on the PSA test are common. PSA levels increase with age and other factors. Men with high PSA levels should follow up with a doctor, but should not assume they have cancer.

Causes of a high PSA level that are not cancer

Health conditions, lifestyle factors and test inconsistencies can all lead to high PSA test results. A physician can explain which factors are most relevant to each person and whether the delay in the test or the planning of additional tests could help determine the cause of the high PSA test results.
In addition to prostate cancer, other factors can cause increased PSA levels. These include:

1. Age

Men over 50 should talk with
 a healthcare professional
 about their prostate cancer

The PSA levels of a person tend to slowly increase with age. Men over 50 years should talk with their doctor about their risk of developing prostate cancer and the benefits and risks of PSA screening.Not all sources agree on whether the PSA levels should be routinely tested in men over 70, as some data suggest that it does not improve the survival rates of cancer and lead to over-diagnoses and over-treatment.
Therefore, it is important that individuals discuss screening options with a doctor based on their family and personal medical history.

2. Prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, sometimes due to a bacterial infection. Men with prostatitis may have elevated PSA numbers.
Prostatitis can also be a chronic problem. Men with prostatitis may have problems with urination, experience pain in urinating, develop fever, feel pressure in the rectum, have difficulty with ejaculation and notice changes in sexual function.

3. Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate that can increase PSA levels. BPH is a common condition among older men.
BPH does not increase the risk of prostate cancer, but the symptoms may be similar to prostate cancer. Men with BPH often experience irritation when passing water.

4. Medical procedures

Medical procedures on the prostate can increase PSA levels. A current prostate test with a urinary catheter or insertion of a range of validity into the urethra can lead to false positives on the PSA test.
For the most accurate results, a person should wait a few weeks after a medical procedure before undergoing the PSA test.

5. Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urethra or bladder that can cause PSA levels to rise. Men with a UTI may experience pain during urination, blood in urine, or an inability to urinate. In most cases, a simple urine test can accurately diagnose a UTI.

6. Powerful exercise

Running and other forms of vigorous exercise a day or two before a PSA test can lead to a false positive. A person should ask their doctor about exercise recommendations before planning a PSA test.

7. Ejaculation

Ejaculating during the 48-hour period before a PSA test can cause PSA levels to temporarily rise. Men who plan a PSA test should masturbate or avoid sexual activity for 2-3 days before the test.
Men who have planned a PSA test should tell their doctors about any prostate symptoms that they experience. Changes in ejaculation or watering often indicate a problem with the prostate.
Rectal pain, abdominal pressure, fever and signs of infection can also affect a prostate problem.

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burning during urination
 and a weak urine flow.

The symptoms of prostate cancer are:painful ejaculationBlood in the semen or urineHip, pelvis, back or thigh paina weak urine flowProblems with waterIncontinence or increased urge to urinateDifficulty in getting or maintaining an erectionBurning when drainingThese symptoms are the same as or similar to many other prostate issues, including prostatitis and BPH. Men who have symptoms of a prostate problem usually need additional tests, such as urine screenings for a UTI or a digital rectal exam to test for prostate abnormalities. Prostate cancer can not cause symptoms in the early stages.High PSA levels can be a source of immense anxiety, especially in men who have to wait several weeks for a follow-up appointment with their doctors. This is the reason why most guidelines recommend that men and their doctors be careful about the risks and benefits of PSA screening.
Research is increasingly suggesting that the development of prostate cancer in older men may be normal. While regular preventive health checks can be beneficial, some men may choose to avoid the PSA test, depending on their age and other risk factors.


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Men should know that the detection of prostate cancer early does not necessarily reduce the risks of dying from the disease.If a man has a high PSA, but no lumps in the prostate, a doctor could repeat the test, continue to monitor PSA levels, or check the prostate in a few months. Men should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy with a doctor.The PSA is a sensitive test that can often produce false positives. While this helps to detect most cases of cancer, this also means that the test can cause a lot of anxiety in men who do not have cancer.
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