First aid to the injured in the summer guide!

Summer fun in store, but in the flanks too many risks, such as cases of fainting, snakebite, drowning, dehydration or heart attack. First Aid for the summer and the holiday safely guide.
Every holiday is the majority of people go out for trips around the nature. But for all his work are two sides: the number of passengers increased and beautiful and wealthy themselves, thus increasing the number of injured. Possible to help those affected by providing basic first aid until the arrival of ambulance crews competent. First Aid simple measures could lead to improving the status of the injured, and sometimes rescued.
What can we as individuals do when there is a situation where a person gets in our surroundings? Short guide and updated First Aid:
Swoon: Is the sudden decrease of oxygen in the brain of general weakness in the muscles and loss of potential to stand and facilities moments unconscious. Causes fainting abound: the fear, pain, excitement, joy, fear, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, severe bleeding and others.
First aid:
1. Extend the patient on the floor and raise his feet.
2. Arise, take off his clothes, which can make it difficult breathing process.
3. Arise, tilting his head back to open the duct.
4. If consciousness is no longer off when you put it on the ground, search the whether breathes though not as well as Fabdúa the process of recovery.
5. summoned an ambulance.
Snake bite: There are several types of poisonous snakes and active mainly in the spring and summer, and most of the time hiding under rocks and between the cracks. Are sting by the bite, where the snake venom is injected in the patient through the teeth Viper hollow. In most cases, the patient feels scared, it becomes pale, suffering from excessive sweating and so it is possible to put up to loss of consciousness.
First aid:
1. Arise calming the patient lies down and make it supreme comfort until at least the spread of the poison in the body as much as possible.
2. If possible - Arise install his body to reduce the traffic to a minimum.
3. Arise deliver the injured to hospital. Viper brought with you, if possible, to determine the type of poison and appropriate treatment.
4. Very important: It is prohibited to suck the venom, foreclosed put pay to the arteries of the region and the forbidden Almldogh cooling sting area, because the cooling could exacerbate the damage
5. You must refrain from providing drink contains alcohol to the injured. The alcohol increase blood flow it is possible to accelerate the spread of the toxin in the body.
Dog bite: the dog is the best friend of man, however, the Rabies is a viral disease that can lead to the death of a person after a short time of infection. The virus is transferred primarily through the saliva of the dog by biting, but the patient can become infected by licking located in the region of injury or even a small scratch. Characterized by a high temperature rabies, headaches, weakness, nausea, vomiting, throat pain, cough, loss of appetite, muscle pain. During the several days that you can add to these symptoms harm consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, worsening headaches even convulsions and paralysis.
First aid:
1. Arise, clean the wound well with soap and water.
2. Clean up the area and stand to heal the wound with a bandage sterile.
3. You must refer the patient to a local clinic or any formal clinic, where there would be brought to him vaccinated against rabies if necessary.
Bite: bites itself does not pose a real risk, except in cases of Hypersensitivity against animal biting. Among the signs of the sting there redness, pain topical, swelling and in some cases, edema, which can develop into a problem resulting from regular allergies. In the most difficult cases show there is difficulty in breathing, generalized rash, pruritus, headache and low blood pressure.
First aid:
1.andma reaction is not severe, the treatment is to rinse the wound with soap and water, take out the needle by rubbing stinging Latifah and cooling the area carefully.
2. In the case of the patient to show signs of excessive allergies should call an ambulance to take the injured to hospital.
Heart attack (myocardial infarction) of heart, a whole another member of the particle, needs to provide enough oxygen, which gets through a bloody vessels called coronary vessels. In the case of clogged halves or complete one of these vessels, resulting in damage because of the lack of access of oxygen to the heart muscle, which is in many forms, the most common is pain in the chest or center in the central part of the upper abdomen, which extends to other organs. Possible existence of difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, excessive sweating without effort. There are of considerable importance to the timing and speed of diagnosis and early treatment: whenever it is more urgent, the less damage to the heart.
Bleeding from the nose: when the kids get the bleeding from the nose often, through a blood vessel injury as a result of the introduction of the finger in the nose, blow or a sharp change in the weather. In adults, also bleeding as a result of high blood pressure occurs.
First aid:
1. Contrary to popular belief, is prohibited tilting the head back and swallow the blood. Careening back to the blood flow does not stop you, but by drawing some breathing device, there is, it is possible that the clot and lead to suffocation.
2. You must click on the outskirts of the nose above Almnkharan for ten minutes, where the head slightly forward Mhania.
3. With the bleeding stopped, it is advisable to go to a doctor specializing to justify the cause of bleeding.
Drowning: There are two cases of drowning: Dry sinking and sinking hydrated. In both cases, the resulting death from suffocation, which prevents the delivery of Alaokjsin in an orderly fashion to the brain. Terms sinking dry or humid Attriqan to the question of whether there was a decline of fluid into the lungs or not.
A situation which does not include inhalation of water flow from the lungs defense mechanism (which does not work in this case for the benefit of the patient), where the dam is slot trachea due to inhalation of water into the lungs. Later because of a lack of oxygen to his brain Connect, drowned lose consciousness which leads to muscle relaxation and as a result are open trachea cover and water ingress into the lungs (which leads to drowning conversion to the situation wet).
First aid:
1. foreclosed try to get water from the patient's lungs.
2. You start out resuscitation and call an ambulance without delay.
3. In each case, a near drowning or from drowning should guide the patient to the hospital because it is possible for a late phenomena that could pose a danger to his life.
Burns: burn is damage to the skin as a result of high temperatures, extreme cold, contact with the chemical or electrification. Degree burns divided by damage inflicted on the skin layers and different percentages of body. There are three causes primarily as a result of the risk of burns from a heat loss, loss of fluid and inflammation, and therefore must refer the patient to the hospital quickly.
First aid:
1. put out the fire.
2. moisturize the burn area by running water or sterile.
3. In the event that the patient is unconscious should begin recovery operations as necessary.
4. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to use ointments, eggs, or milk, which could contaminate the burn area.
Drought: Drought ID as high varying body temperature as a result of hot weather or do which leads to excessive sweating great effort and thus to the loss of fluids. Following the loss of fluid from the supposed "awakening" Mahdhir thirst mechanism of fluid loss, but the mechanism is active relatively late, when it becomes very little stock in the body fluids. Due to these reasons, there is of considerable importance for the propagation of drinking water, especially in hot weather and when you make the effort.
Signs of dehydration: thirst, redness of the skin, nausea, rapid pulse, lack of calm. In the case of drought, average difficulty breathing show, dizziness, headache, severe drought in the mouth, the skin becomes cold and pale and lose to Aonth. In the case of a severe drought will be added to the labels visual and auditory disturbances, even loss of consciousness.
First aid:
1. emphasis on drinking fluids in abundance.
2. In the case of the emergence of signs of dehydration must refrain from any activity, the emphasis on comfort Absolute, was evacuated to the shady and cool place and call the crew first aid.