Collection of Blood collection of blood samples
Collection of Blood collection of blood samples
Samples Specimen Collection collection
Provide medical analysis laboratories usually instructions (programs) especially necessary to be applied to the creation of the patient and obtain the required sample properly and is so fast the patient certain times vary depending on the type of analysis and the purpose of it and stop giving the patient fluids intravenously and the patient must be from non-smoking. There are some raw analyzes that require the patient in the base case Basal Condition mode when measuring Alberovi and non Kti and example Alosti, and some require in addition to the fact that the patient is fasting not leave the bed, except in cases of extreme necessity and for a period of not more than five minutes, especially when the basic metabolic rate measurement . The situation requires some analysis to prevent the patient from taking the drugs prescribed to him and to identify the type and quantity of food.
When the doctor appointed by the desired type of analysis, it is the sample collection by the nurse if the patient is hypnotized in the hospital or by a laboratory technician for outpatients (Department of sampling), where they must do the classification of the sample and Coding, education and writes the date and time of sample collection and then are sent to the laboratory and writes clearly the name and number of patient age, nationality and type the desired name of the physician and site analysis and patient, taking care to emphasize that all vessels to be used in an appropriate, clean and closed tightly and analysis are sent directly to the laboratory.
First, collect blood samples Collection of Blood
Blood is red liquid that is going on inside the blood vessels and is made up of cells and fluid .... cells are red blood cells and white blood cells and platelets, and the fluid is plasma, blood and is one of the most important in the human body of vital fluids for its functions As important as the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the various cells of the body and blood will be about 8% of body weight ranges normal range of blood from 4 to 6 liters in the average person weight vitality, and has 1 liter of blood during the donation does not have a severe impact on the body where that the blood quickly consists due to its size again within 24 to 48 hours.
Blood tests are usually conducted on taken from the veins or arteries from the blood by high-perforated Capillary Puncture and venous blood is used in most analyzes in biochemistry, and arterial blood is limited to use on some tests, such as blood gases Blood Gases
Blood pull Tools
Syringe used syringe in venous blood withdrawn and there are two types: Type I, which used to only once Disposable, and the second type glass syringe are sterilized.
Syringe consists of a plastic cylinder or glass finished the barrel of hosepipes Nozzle for the purpose of connecting the needle out and be a cylinder usually listed and range in size from (1-20 ml), and there is a small syringes Kmhakna Tibrklin Tuberculin listed up to 0.1 ml, and the syringe glass nozzle hosepipes metal while the plastic nozzle in the syringe from the wine type and these craters with a diameter standard for connecting needles of different sizes and is located inside the cylinder piston which is used to draw blood, and different measure the diameter of the needle (18-25 mm) and the length of the needle from half an inch to inch and a half, and for the purpose of drawing blood is preferable to use Stitch with measuring 20 mm and the length of one inch.
Always preferred the use of syringes and type of wine that prepare sterile and are used
One-time only, and can be provided when not in use glass syringes.
Capillary blood withdrawn
Capillary blood is drawn through the perforation head fingers (Banan) or earlobe in adults and in infants clipped toe or big toe or soles of the feet by a scalpel spear Puncture.
And is withdrawn blood sample capillary clean drag area and wipe with a cotton drenched alcohol Aathlee or alcohol isopropanol 70%, then prick the thumb by a scalpel Ramahi quickly and lightness occurs wound depth 1-2 mm and bent thumb Vindf blood profusely and if the blood did not come out raises the compression bandage and shaking the hand to the bottom and top several times. Then re-connect compression bandage again and deter thumb Vindf blood, then put absorbent capillary horizontally on emerging from the wound blood drop and leaves the blood rushes in sucking up to the required mark and collect drops of blood in a test tube capacity of 15 mm containing a mild liquid tension Isotonic of sulfate washing with sodium sorbent several times the solution itself and then transferred to a centrifuge to separate and use centrifuges of horizontal type devices to prevent broken capillaries.
Venous blood withdrawn Venipuncture
Venous blood drawn usually from the veins in the arm or attached by a dry syringe and sterile ready for use once and preferably a warm arm and a person in a comfortable position and apply compression bandage around the upper arm gently and be between the shoulder and elbow, to be pressed thin and then cleans the skin in the place to be and the prick of cotton wet medical alcohol and leave to dry a little bit, then emptied the syringe from the air to pull tamper and pushed him repeatedly to expel all the air inside the syringe, then holding facility left hand and placed her thumb on the vein which Syuhz away from the twitching 2 cm and then stuck the syringe hand Yemen nurse or technician laboratory between the thumb and three fingers and then enter the needle into the vein pinch one to be the end of the needle bevel pointing upwards Vindf blood into the syringe as a result of the withdrawal of MDC needle and when withdrawn from 5-10 ml of blood which is the required amount usually raises Rabat compressor and put a piece of sterile cotton alcohol on the place of acupuncture and then withdraw the needle from the vein gently, and then put the blood drawn in the test tube to create separated.
Arterial blood Arterial Puncture withdraw
Rarely asked to withdraw blood artery only in a few cases, such as blood gases request examination or study the difference between the level of glucose in the blood artery and venous blood. As is known, the blood-like artery blood capillary
Samples Specimen Collection collection
Provide medical analysis laboratories usually instructions (programs) especially necessary to be applied to the creation of the patient and obtain the required sample properly and is so fast the patient certain times vary depending on the type of analysis and the purpose of it and stop giving the patient fluids intravenously and the patient must be from non-smoking. There are some raw analyzes that require the patient in the base case Basal Condition mode when measuring Alberovi and non Kti and example Alosti, and some require in addition to the fact that the patient is fasting not leave the bed, except in cases of extreme necessity and for a period of not more than five minutes, especially when the basic metabolic rate measurement . The situation requires some analysis to prevent the patient from taking the drugs prescribed to him and to identify the type and quantity of food.
When the doctor appointed by the desired type of analysis, it is the sample collection by the nurse if the patient is hypnotized in the hospital or by a laboratory technician for outpatients (Department of sampling), where they must do the classification of the sample and Coding, education and writes the date and time of sample collection and then are sent to the laboratory and writes clearly the name and number of patient age, nationality and type the desired name of the physician and site analysis and patient, taking care to emphasize that all vessels to be used in an appropriate, clean and closed tightly and analysis are sent directly to the laboratory.

Blood is red liquid that is going on inside the blood vessels and is made up of cells and fluid .... cells are red blood cells and white blood cells and platelets, and the fluid is plasma, blood and is one of the most important in the human body of vital fluids for its functions As important as the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the various cells of the body and blood will be about 8% of body weight ranges normal range of blood from 4 to 6 liters in the average person weight vitality, and has 1 liter of blood during the donation does not have a severe impact on the body where that the blood quickly consists due to its size again within 24 to 48 hours.
Blood tests are usually conducted on taken from the veins or arteries from the blood by high-perforated Capillary Puncture and venous blood is used in most analyzes in biochemistry, and arterial blood is limited to use on some tests, such as blood gases Blood Gases
Blood pull Tools
Syringe used syringe in venous blood withdrawn and there are two types: Type I, which used to only once Disposable, and the second type glass syringe are sterilized.
Syringe consists of a plastic cylinder or glass finished the barrel of hosepipes Nozzle for the purpose of connecting the needle out and be a cylinder usually listed and range in size from (1-20 ml), and there is a small syringes Kmhakna Tibrklin Tuberculin listed up to 0.1 ml, and the syringe glass nozzle hosepipes metal while the plastic nozzle in the syringe from the wine type and these craters with a diameter standard for connecting needles of different sizes and is located inside the cylinder piston which is used to draw blood, and different measure the diameter of the needle (18-25 mm) and the length of the needle from half an inch to inch and a half, and for the purpose of drawing blood is preferable to use Stitch with measuring 20 mm and the length of one inch.
Always preferred the use of syringes and type of wine that prepare sterile and are used
One-time only, and can be provided when not in use glass syringes.
Capillary blood withdrawn
Capillary blood is drawn through the perforation head fingers (Banan) or earlobe in adults and in infants clipped toe or big toe or soles of the feet by a scalpel spear Puncture.
And is withdrawn blood sample capillary clean drag area and wipe with a cotton drenched alcohol Aathlee or alcohol isopropanol 70%, then prick the thumb by a scalpel Ramahi quickly and lightness occurs wound depth 1-2 mm and bent thumb Vindf blood profusely and if the blood did not come out raises the compression bandage and shaking the hand to the bottom and top several times. Then re-connect compression bandage again and deter thumb Vindf blood, then put absorbent capillary horizontally on emerging from the wound blood drop and leaves the blood rushes in sucking up to the required mark and collect drops of blood in a test tube capacity of 15 mm containing a mild liquid tension Isotonic of sulfate washing with sodium sorbent several times the solution itself and then transferred to a centrifuge to separate and use centrifuges of horizontal type devices to prevent broken capillaries.
Venous blood withdrawn Venipuncture
Venous blood drawn usually from the veins in the arm or attached by a dry syringe and sterile ready for use once and preferably a warm arm and a person in a comfortable position and apply compression bandage around the upper arm gently and be between the shoulder and elbow, to be pressed thin and then cleans the skin in the place to be and the prick of cotton wet medical alcohol and leave to dry a little bit, then emptied the syringe from the air to pull tamper and pushed him repeatedly to expel all the air inside the syringe, then holding facility left hand and placed her thumb on the vein which Syuhz away from the twitching 2 cm and then stuck the syringe hand Yemen nurse or technician laboratory between the thumb and three fingers and then enter the needle into the vein pinch one to be the end of the needle bevel pointing upwards Vindf blood into the syringe as a result of the withdrawal of MDC needle and when withdrawn from 5-10 ml of blood which is the required amount usually raises Rabat compressor and put a piece of sterile cotton alcohol on the place of acupuncture and then withdraw the needle from the vein gently, and then put the blood drawn in the test tube to create separated.
Arterial blood Arterial Puncture withdraw
Rarely asked to withdraw blood artery only in a few cases, such as blood gases request examination or study the difference between the level of glucose in the blood artery and venous blood. As is known, the blood-like artery blood capillary