Obesity and food addiction: symptoms, concomitant diseases and complications

Obesity and food addiction: symptoms, concomitant diseases and complications
Obesity means not only an increased body weight, but also an increased risk for various other diseases
The immediately noticeable physical symptoms of overweight or obese people are mainly lack stamina and rapid fatigue, associated with profuse sweating and shortness of breath. By weight gain, there is a generally restricted mobility, and often cause pain in the spine, hips and knees as well as by the increased exposure to an increased risk of joint degeneration ( osteoarthritis ).

Fatal but are often caused or favored by obesity concomitant diseases and complications. The risk of suffering from it increases with increasing body mass index (BMI) (see section " What is obesity "). At the widespread complications include hypertension, calcification of the coronary arteries ( coronary heart disease ), diabetes type 2, cancer and orthopedic disorders. In addition, make mental health problems - especially a low self-esteem - obese people often create.


Hypertension (arterial hypertension) is the most common comorbidity of obesity. Studies have shown a clear relationship between increasing BMI and an increased incidence of hypertension. Increased blood pressure in turn is a risk factor for hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can make the heart sick vessels (coronary heart disease).
Coronary Heart Disease

With increasing body mass index (BMI) (see section "What is obesity") increases the risk of calcification of the coronary arteries (coronary artery disease) significantly. Likewise, the risk of heart attack. Of course, other risk factors such as elevated blood lipids, hypertension, diabetes and nicotine consumption play a role.
Type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus)

Again, the higher the body mass index (BMI) (see section "What is obesity"), the higher the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 This is especially true for BMI values ​​over 30..

Studies have shown an association between increasing body weight and increased incidence of cancer. In women, it's mostly to uterine , cervical , ovarian or breast cancer after menopause. In men here play especially colon and prostate cancer a role. The higher risk of cancer is likely to result from changes in certain hormones as a result of obesity.
Psychosocial suffering

Consequences of excess weight can a decreased self-esteem, anxiety and depression be. The psychological pressure to feel the victim, in turn, may lead to new binge eating. Eating should then relieve the congestion and comforting, but that obese people fall into a vicious circle.
Other sequelae

Among the most common and important complications of obesity also be dyslipidemia (such as increased levels of blood lipids), stroke , the associated with nocturnal apnea sleep apnea syndrome , gout , gallstones , joint degeneration (arthritis - especially in the knees), gynecological problems in women ( urinary incontinence , infertility, birth complications) and disorders of potency and sexual desire in men counted.
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