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تابع قناتنا على يوتيوب. الدخول من هنا الأشتراك في القناة

Pap smear - difination / preperation

What is the Pap smear? Cervical cancer is the Cancer Cervix second most common cancer in women. A…

Hepatitis (G) Hepatitis G

The virus was discovered in 1996, but the information provided very little research is still underway to find out more. And information c…

Hepatitis virus (e) Hepatitis E

A For the Hepatitis C virus (e) is of epidemic diseases related to water pollution. The virus caused (e) cause the number of disasters and epid…

What is AIDs: common Question

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is a viral disease, highly contagious. It is transmitted through sexual intercourse, whether vaginal or anal. It …

Hepatitis C (d) Hepatitis D or delta

Virus (d), also called delta virus Delta virus can not reproduce itself (reproduction), but the presence of another virus, so Vveros hepatitis C vi…

Hepatitis C virus (c) Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus (c) killer Which is often described as the epidemic "silent" hepatitis C virus (c) remains relat…

Hepatitis virus (b) Hepatitis B

Source: The Book of diseases and liver transplantation - viral diseases and tumors of the liver and liver transplantation and schistosomiasis, cir…

Hepatitis virus - Hepatitis A

Hepatitis  virus (a) is highly contagious and sometimes fatal, disease and the virus is nearly 1.4 million people worldwide each year. During tra…

Genetic Analysis - ( Fertility )

Genetic tests are necessary in the following conditions: 1-Suspicion of a genetic cause of infertility: Abnormalities in chromosomes may lead to …

Semen Analysis

Prerequisites: Before providing the sample, one must have waited 3-5 days without ejaculation. If one ejaculates (at sexual intercourse, …

Women and Weight: Find a Healthy Balance

Weight has become a big issue in this country--no pun intended. Models are super skinny and Women are dying trying to be just a little thinner. At…

Survivorship: More Than Just a Word

For decades, we've measured the success of cancer treatment by statistically tracking the number of people who have been diagnosed with cance…

Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: Why Low Blood Sugar Can Be Critical

Risks for Hypoglycemia When your Blood glucose levels drop too low, you may feel dizzy, shaky, irritable, sweaty, confused. You may even pass o…

Can you fight allergies with local honey?

You can barely drag yourself out of bed. Winter is gradually receding back into the closet of seasons once again, and you're painfully aware …

Can my vacuum help me fight mattress allergens?

Are you one of the estimated 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies ? More than half of all Americans have an allergic response to at least…

Are we more worried about food allergies than we should be?

Of the many things parents are encouraged to freak out about, the fear that a peanut will cross their toddler's lips is way up there. Parents…
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