Facts and low blood pressure Low blood pressure, low blood pressure, also called , is that the blood pressure is low enough that the flow of blo…
What are the causes of infection of a heart attack? Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis is a gradual process that deposited the (groups) of cholester…
What is a heart attack ? Definition of heart attack A heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction or MI) is the damage and death to the hea…
Heart attack : Facts and important information about heart attack     Results of a heart attack when grazing impedes blood completely coronary art…
Care physician cradle, problems and hassles of pregnancy Care physician cradle Pregnant woman is exposed during pregnancy, a long period of time …
Increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics There have become many types of dangerous bacteria , and even deadly , resistant to antibiotics ,…
The expulsion of toxins from the body is essential in the modern era in which we live , and which is characterized by technological development and…